ビットコインとシステムトレード (Bitcoin & Automated Algorithmic Trading)

ビットコインの自動売買システム構築とトレード実践結果 (Automatic Bitcoin Trading System Implementation and Trading Result)

日本のビットコイン相場を暴落させるために必要な資金量 - The amount of funds necessary to crash Japanese largest bitcoin market






Crash after continued rising. It is a typical movement in bitcoin market. Does the day when we can use bitcoin as stable settlement currency come. .?

For your reference, I tried calculating based on the board information (bitFlyer spot) as to how much amount of funds is required to give such a crash impact to its market price.

The result is as follows and it is a case where we execute market sell orders at a time. Actually, others' reaction may boost it, so the necessary amount of funds may be less.

If we spend 150 million yen it can fall by 10%, if it is 400 million yen it can be dropped by 30%. My impression is that it is less than I expected. Now that it is thought that abundant Chinese money is flowing into JP BTC market, it may be possible to act to temporarily confuse the market with such maneuvering. 

